As with other departmentally managed funds wherein the balances are set by actual revenue and transfers, the Office of Planning, Budget, and Analysis Office does not post expense budgets to Information Warehouse reports for Endowment, Gift, or Trust funds. Instead, with the exception of sponsored research projects, spendable balances in other departmentally managed fund groups are determined via the posting of actual income and expense entries. Actual “revenue” entries include gift receipts, endowment payout distributions, other income receipts, transfer and assignment journals, service center cost recoveries, etc.
Endowment Funds (E-Funds) on Account 4471: The Office of Planning, Budget, and Analysis posts the full-year estimated payout distribution in July of each fiscal year. Distributions are updated quarterly (late October, late January, late April, June close) to reflect any new gifts to endowment, liquidations of quasi-endowment, and changes in distribution formulas for Princeton operating departments.
External Trust Fund (F-Fund) income (Account 4472): This is posted on a quarterly basis, reflecting any trust income received during that quarter. Due to the unpredictable timing and size of these payments, whole-year estimates are not posted for external trust funds.
If you have any questions about your organization’s endowment payout or external trust fund distributions or amounts, or would like to change the default chartstring into which endowment is posted, please contact Tatiana Tkachuk, Endowment Distribution Manager, in the Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis.
Spendable balances for expendable gift “B-funds” may increase throughout the year as gift receipts are posted by Advancement’s Office of Alumni and Donor Records. Please contact them if you have questions about gift deposits in your organization’s chartstrings.
See Fund Stewardship for more information on fund guidelines and restrictions.