Budgeting for Academic Departments

For budget and planning purposes, the University expends significant central resources on academic departments. These are primarily managed through the central faculty full-time employee and graduate student-enrollment processes. Almost half of all academic department expenditures are recorded on the General Fund (centrally managed funds), while the remaining activity typically occurs on departmentally managed funds.

Centrally Managed Funds in Academic Departments

Allowable Academic Department General Fund Expenses

In Academic Departments, the General Fund is the primary place to record centrally supported teaching and graduate student-related expense.  Please see the Allowable Academic Department General Fund Expenses section for costs expected on the General Fund in Academic Departments.

Faculty Full-Time Employees:

The University budgets General Fund instructional expenses through the Office of the Dean of the Faculty’s (DOF) Teaching Budget process. The overall total is posted in the fall after the DOF updates its projections to reflect changes in the specific distribution of faculty teaching courses under General Fund full-time equivalent (FTE) totals. Academic departments will work with the Office of the Dean of the Faculty to cover teaching requirements within authorized instructional FTE totals, but will not manage against converted dollar totals that post as teaching expense budgets on the General Fund.

Graduate Student Enrollment:

The University estimates General Fund graduate student fellowship expenses at the academic-department level. This posting occurs in the fall after the Graduate School updates its projections to reflect changes in the number of and support distribution for students. 

Unallowable Academic Department General Fund Expenses

Faculty research, departmental administration, and other departmentally managed activities are not charged to the General Fund.

Please see the Unallowable Academic Department General Fund Expenses section for costs not expected on the General Fund in Academic Departments.

Fund-Specific Notes

Departmentally Managed Funds In Academic Departments