Princeton University receives money from many sources and in many forms, including cash, checks, wire transfers, and automated clearing house (ACH) deposits. The sources of those funds reflect the diverse range of activities that go on at the University, including:
Box office receipts from athletic or theatrical events
Tuition receipts
Lab fees
Museum admissions
Research grants
Refunds for returned items purchased by departments
Minimize Cash Handling
When you receive funds, cash handling should be minimized. Instead, electronic funds transfers should be used whenever possible. Some departments and campus organizations also have merchant accounts that facilitate acceptance of credit card payments.
Ensure Proper Stewardship
If you handle cash, checks, or cash equivalents in any form, you have a responsibility to ensure the security and good stewardship of these University assets. Please see the Cash and Check Handling Policy for a description of the appropriate internal controls, including:
Segregation of duties
Safekeeping of cash
Prompt deposit of all cash receipts
Accurate recording of revenue into University financial systems.
You will also find charts listing the required frequency of deposit and the appropriate levels of security for specific dollar thresholds.
Training on the University’s cash collection and reconciliation procedures is available at any time through Cash and Investment Services. Merchant account and PCI Compliance training is provided by our merchant services provider and Cash and Investment Services when a new merchant account is established.