Receipt Accruals
Receipt Accrual Expenses will appear on your June 2024 reports, but F&A will not be calculated on those expenses, nor will SRA be billing the sponsors for the Receipt Accrual Expenses. Learn more about Receipt Accruals.
SRA Year-End Clean Up Job Aid
Download or print a copy of the year-end clean up job aid.
Department Responsibilities: Year End Clean Up Tasks
- Review Fund A0014 Sponsored Research Holding Account. Transfer expenditures to the appropriate sponsored project chartstrings.
- Review Award Management Report and address any true deficit balances on ended/ending awards.
- Submit any Labor Accounting transfers for special payments, accrued vacation, and severance pay for FY23 and FY24, using paper form for manual processing.
Spreadsheet Journals for Sponsored Project and Cost Share Corrections
A separate spreadsheet journal must be prepared for sponsored project and cost share corrections and sent to [email protected] for validation and submission. Departments should not include non-sponsored related corrections on this spreadsheet journal.
Documentation Requirements for Journals to Fund G0001 Only
Departments must always provide a copy of the Sponsored Project Detail Report (FIN050) highlighting all transactions being transferred to Fund G0001. This report will serve as the source document for determining if a cost transfer justification form (CTJF) is required for audit purposes. Cost transfers onto a G0001 chartstring that are requested more than 90 days after the end of the month in which the cost was originally incurred require a signed CTJF by the Principal Investigator. This form is located on the Finance and Treasury website, in the form library. Note: This documentation is not required for account code corrections or cost transfers between projects within the same award.
Prescribed Format for Description Field
In order to adhere to the 30 max. character limit on the description field, departments should use the prescribed format in the example below.
Debit Entry Description field: To:10007002-1000001234-10/2014
Credit Entry Description field: Fr:10004213-1000001234-10/2014
Debit Entry
To:10007002 = project the expense is being transferred to
1000001234 = ten-digit original journal ID number (same as credit entry)
10/2014 = date (month and year) of the original journal (same as credit entry)
Credit Entry
Fr:10004213 = project that the expense is being removed from
1000001234 = ten-digit original journal ID number (same as debit entry)
10/2014 = date (month and year) of the original journal (same as debit entry)
Please contact your SRA Analyst if you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.
567. Every time Project 10004567 is used in a chartstring the Department number should always be 23500 in the chartstring.