Whether you are new to grant administration at Princeton or new to sponsored research, these resources will help get you started and on the path for success. Depending on your role, you may have direct or passive responsibility for the fiscal and performance management of sponsored research awards. Below are key fiscal responsibilities during the post-award phase of a sponsored research project.
Work with your department to understand who is responsible for different areas that may impact your sponsored award. Is there a stockroom manager? Who is the undergraduate or graduate student coordinator? Does your award interface with any recharge centers operated by your own or other departments?
Also reach out to your campus partners to understand who you will work with most — find out who your SRA analyst and ORPA grant and contract administrator are. Familiarize yourself with your award portfolio to assess whether you may need to work with RIA or CEFR.
SRA Orientation
Reach out to your SRA analyst to coordinate an orientation. We will highlight our mission, discuss roles and responsibilities, and provide guidance on your department’s award portfolio.
Attend core University trainings offered through the Office of Finance & Treasury (e.g. Buying and Paying overview, Labor Accounting, Choose the Right Journal, Concur Travel) as well as specialized sessions like SRA’s Wrap Up series or ORPA’s Coffee with ORPA. Sign up for ORPA and SRA listservs to receive periodic training notifications.
Awards and Expenditures
Ensure that expenditures, including any cost transfers, are processed in a timely manner, and that purchases on sponsored programs are allowable and reasonable. Understand your award portfolio and the milestones (financial and programmatic) that you may need to support.