
Three staff from the tax office, two male, one female, meeting at high top table, with laptop and large tax document.

Princeton University’s Tax Department ensures compliance with federal and state tax laws and acts as a resource for the University community with respect to tax issues. Our team:

  • Prepares and files the University's federal and state tax returns;
  • Responds to tax-related questions from academic and administrative departments;
  • Educates the University community on current tax issues;
  • Develops and monitors policies, procedures, and processes for adherence with tax regulations; 
  • Represents the University in tax audits; and Communicates with tax authorities.

Disclaimer: Feel free to contact us for information about University-related tax issues. However, please note that we do not offer personal tax advice, nor does the information on this website represent tax advice. For personal income tax questions, seek professional tax guidance.  

Daniel Richlin
Senior Associate Director, Tax
Etal Konick
Senior Tax Accountant
Daniel Sherman
Senior Tax Accountant