Direct Deposit/Paychecks

Direct Deposit

Faculty and Staff: HR Self Service

Choose the Payroll tile and then the Direct Deposit tile where you can enter your U.S. banking details. 
Note: The Payroll system is not configured to send direct deposit to international banks. 

Cashing Checks

Faculty and staff not enrolled in direct deposit, paychecks are mailed to the home/local address on file by the University’s Banking Institution. 

Payroll checks issued by Princeton University can be cashed at the JP Morgan Chase Bank, 16 Nassau Street in Princeton, NJ. If you have a check that is more than 90 days old and can’t get to this branch, mail the stale, dated check back to Payroll along with a Request for Payroll Check Stop Payment. Once payroll receives the check, the check will be voided, reissued, and mailed to the address you provide on the form.

Checks issued more than three years ago may not be reissued by the University in compliance with New Jersey’s escheatment laws.  The state then holds the property, in this case the uncashed check, for the owner or heirs until a claim is filed to collect the property. To claim a check issued by the University more than three years ago, go to State of NJ- Department of the Treasury- Unclaimed Property

Understanding your Pay Statement

View a sample paycheck to better understand withholding, deductions and other fields.

Replace a Lost or Damaged Check, Stop Payment, or Void a Payment

Request to Stop or Void a Check.

Inactive Faculty and Staff

Final paychecks and pay statements are mailed to the home/local address on file.