The University withholds Federal and State taxes based on your filing status on the completed W-4 form.
The New Jersey W-4 can be completed on HR Self Service and TigerHub. If you are approved to work outside New Jersey, in one of the states where the University is a registered employer, contact Payroll Services for more information on completing the state W-4 form, [email protected].
Disclaimer: Feel free to contact the Payroll Services Team at [email protected] with questions related to your paycheck, or visit our website for assistance with more general inquiries. However, please note, our team cannot offer assistance or advice related to your personal taxes, or assist with determining how much withholding to elect on the IRS W4 Form. For assistance with completing the W4, please view the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator. For personal income tax questions, seek professional tax guidance.
For inquiries sent to [email protected], please allow 3-5 business days for a response.