Welcome to Princeton University and to the Office of Finance and Treasury website! We look forward to working in partnership to help you manage University finances in support of the University’s teaching and research mission. As a new employee, your specific role will determine much of what you need to learn when it comes to financial management, accounting, and reporting. Here, we’ve gathered together a collection of information that we hope will be helpful as you navigate your new role within the University community.
Payroll and Taxes for New Employees
Manage your direct deposit and tax withholding, understand the University’s payroll cycles, and explore tax considerations for foreign nationals and students.New Employee Training
Get to know the buying and paying process, review the ChartFields used in everyday accounting, use the relevant reporting tools in the Information Warehouse, and learn how to navigate our core financial system Prime Financials.Departmental Financial Management
Review more detailed information specifically for employees responsible for overseeing and managing their department’s finances.