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All tuition, fees, and incidental charges are reflected in the Student Financial Center on TigerHub for students, or from Tiger Family Hub for authorized parents or guardians. Learn how to view and pay your account, or for an overview of the Student Financial Center navigation, review the navigational guide for undergraduate students.
Tuition and Fees
The University requires payment of tuition and essential fees on a semester basis, with half of the annual amount due at the start of the fall term and half due at the start of the spring term. These fees include:
- Room
- Board
- Class dues
- Undergraduate student government fee
- Optional student health plan
Any financial aid provided by Princeton, along with outside scholarships and loans you receive, will appear as account credits. Charges for incidental expenses incurred on campus will also be reflected and are due as incurred. Our office provides guidance to students and families, outlining the various options for paying tuition and fees.
Due Dates
Payment of tuition and fees are due on a term basis.
- Fall term payment: Due by August 25
- Spring term payment: Due by January 25
At the first of each month you will receive a reminder to view your account and pay any outstanding charges. Incidentals purchases or fees charged to the student account are due the 25th of each month unless notified otherwise. You are given the option to clear your full balance or pay the amount due. To avoid late fees, full payment of all charges, including incidental purchases, should be made prior to the due date.
Payment Options
In addition to the semester plan, students may enroll in the Princeton Monthly Payment Plan (MPP) which allows the total cost of undergraduate tuition and eligible charges, less any scholarship and loans, to be spread over the term in equal installments. The plan is interest free, with an enrollment fee of $40 per term.
Key MPP Dates
- 8/24: To be eligible for the annual MPP, enrollment must be completed by this date. Thereafter the number of repayment installments will be reduced.
- 10/24: The annual enrollment option ends.
- 1/2: At this time, you may enroll just for the spring-term plan.
Additional Charges
Eating Clubs
If you are a member of an eating club, you will not see a board charge on your student account. The club will charge you directly for board and membership fees. For most juniors and seniors receiving financial aid, the additional grant awarded for eating clubs will reduce the amount owed the University. In most cases, it will not result in a credit that can be transferred to the club. Your aid award is first applied to any fees charged to your student account. A transfer of funds from your student account to an eating club will only be possible if the University’s fees are fully satisfied by your financial award or payments, and there is a resulting credit balance.
Funding from External (Non-Aid) Scholarships
If you do not receive financial aid from Princeton University, you can receive advance credit on your student account for anticipated awards. Any external scholarship will be credited to your student account in two equal installments, reflected in your fall and spring charges. External scholarship sources include Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) scholarships and tuition grants from colleges and universities, including the Princeton Tuition Grant.
Each academic year, you will be asked to document anticipated scholarships via an online form in the Student Financial Center. If scholarships claimed on your form are not received from the donor, you will be responsible for paying the amount credited to your account. The form will be available prior to the start of the academic year.
Student Health Plan Charges
As a full‐time, enrolled student, you are required to be covered by the Princeton University Student Health Plan (SHP) for off‐campus medical care and hospitalization, unless you can demonstrate alternative coverage that meets University criteria. The Student Health Plan begins August 1. The yearly charge will be split between the fall and spring semesters. All plans terminate on July 31 (including plans for graduating seniors).
If you are covered by private health insurance, you may waive enrollment and the fee only upon certification that you have coverage comparable to the SHP. Details about the SHP are available at the UHS Website or by calling the Student Health Plan Office at the McCosh Health Center at (609) 258-3138.
On-campus health service at the McCosh Health Center is included in the University's tuition fee. You may use this service as a student, regardless of your medical plan.
Graduation, Withdrawal, and Refunds
When You Graduate
In order to graduate, your student account charges must be paid in full and all loan payments must be current. If your student account is not current, you will not receive your diploma document. You are encouraged to view and satisfy any balances prior to graduation. After any open obligations to the University are paid, if you have a credit balance, you will receive a refund check.
If you have borrowed educational loan funds through federal programs administered by the University, federal regulations require that we send you exit counseling materials regarding loan repayment. We suggest that you review and acknowledge the receipt of this important loan information, which will be sent well in advance of graduation.
Withdrawing from the University
For complete information about withdrawing from Princeton, see Undergraduate Admission, Financial Aid, and Fees. If you withdraw, the net balance in your student account will be determined by applying all payments and available credits to the account against all outstanding amounts due. If a loan contract is in effect, the loan may be used only to the extent needed to pay charges actually due Princeton. Any unused portion of the loan will be cancelled. If there is a balance on your student account, you will not be eligible for readmission until it is satisfied.
Questions? Contact Student Accounts at (609) 258-6378, fax (609) 258-1147, or email [email protected].